Registers, Subscriber Data Management (SGDA) AND FEES
Any companies interested in operating networks and providing electronic communication services within Spanish territory must first notify the CNMC so that they can be entered into the Operator Register.
We also maintain a Numbering Register and a Register for information parameters for Digital Open-Access Television.
We also manage the Subscriber Data Management System (SGDA in Spanish), through which we make guides and telephone queries available to service providers regarding subscriber numbers (118AB), as well as making information available to providers of emergency services and other authorised agents from the National Police and Security Forces on subscribers to the telephone services available to the public.
Register of Operators of Electronic Communication Networks and Services
Any companies interested in operating networks and providing electronic communication services within Spanish territory are obligated to first notify the CNMC so that they can be entered into the Operator Register, in agreement with the following regulations.
Ley 9/2014, de 9 de mayo, General de Telecomunicaciones
Norma derogada, a excepción de su disposición adicional decimosexta y las disposiciones transitorias séptima, novena y duodécima, con efectos de 30 de junio de 2022, por la disposición derogatoria única.a) de la Ley 11/2022, de 28 de junio, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en sus disposiciones transitorias. Ref. BOE-A-2022-10757
Forms available
Solicitar la modificación de los datos inscritos
Formulario para el abono de la tasa por expedición de certificado registral (Modelo T8)
Solicitar la cancelación de la inscripción
Acceso a la Sede electrónica para los trámites relacionados con el Registro de Operadores
Acceso a la consulta de operadores inscritos en el Registro de Operadores
Numbering register
Guía de usuario del Plan Nacional de Numeración
Últimos movimientos del Registro de numeración
Request for numbering
Annual monitoring of numbering and twice-yearly control of numbering for messaging services
Register of TDT parameters
Entities authorised to operate digital channels
Managers of the digital multiple
Assignment of TDT parameters
Actualizado el 10 de marzo de 2021
Identificadores de trama de transporte
Actualizado el 10 de marzo de 2021
Supply and reception of data for subscribers through the Subscriber Data Management System (SGDA in Spanish)
Forms available
Most recent Resolutions on Registers and SGDA
Resoluciones relevantes en materia de Registro
Resolutions on the numbering register
All resolutions on the numbering register
Resolutions on the TDT parameter register
All resolutions on the TDT parameter register
Resolutions on authorisation of access to subscriber information (SGDA)
All SGDA resolutions in the telecommunications area