
The  CNMC prepares reports to ensure that Public Administrations take into account its proposals to comply with the principles of good regulation and effective competition.

  • Reports on drafting legislation or regulation (IPN), made at the request of a public entity at a drafting stage. (See all IPN Reports)
  • Reports on other administrative actions (INF), such as tender documents or State aid granted by public entities. (See all INF Reports)
  • Ex officio reports (PRO), when the CNMC considers that its voice must be heard in a relevant issue from the standpoint of competition and better regulation. (See all PRO Reports)

The CNMC can play a consultative role (at the request of legislative chambers, the Government, ministries or agencies, the autonomous communities, local government corporations, professional associations, chambers of commerce, business associations and organisations of consumers and user (see article 5.2 of Law3/2013, of 4 June, creating the CNMC) or “ex officio” (see article 5.1.h of Law3/2013, of 4 June, creating the CNMC). Even if these reports are non-binding, the CNMC will make recommendations to public institutions and other agents, in order to improve legislation and contribute to a competitive framework, so that general (and especially consumers’) welfare is maximized.