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La CNMC promueve y defiende el buen funcionamiento de todos los mercados en interés de los consumidores y de las empresas.
La CNMC promueve y defiende el buen funcionamiento de todos los mercados en interés de los consumidores y de las empresas.
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Fecha de nombramiento
16 Xuño 2020Cargo
President of the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission(1986) Graduated in Law with merit from the University of Zaragoza
(1987) Special Degree in European Law for the Free University of Brussels, with Great Distinction
(1987-2020) She worked as a lawyer in private practice specialized in EU and Competition Law
She also taught those topics at prestigious Spanish and foreign universities such as Toulouse School of Economics, McGeorge University of the Pacific, Carlos III University, Autonomous University of Barcelona and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, among others.
(1993-1997) she was référendaire at the Court of Justice of the European Union
She has held positions:
- She was the first woman to be appointed as a Co-Chair of the Antitrust Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA)
- She held the position of Vice-chair of the Economics Committee of the Antitrust Section at the American Bar Association (ABA)
- Officer of the International Cartel Task Force of the ABA Antitrust Section
- Member of the IBA LPD Council
She was also a Non Governmental Advisor (NGA) of the EU Commission and the National Commission for Markets and Competition before the International Competition Network (ICN)
- In 2020 she was appointed President of the Spanish National Commission for Markets and Competition
- 1986 she was awarded with the NATO Fellowship Program
- For her professional practice stands out her recognition as one of the 30 best specialists in Competition/Antitrust worldwide in the Best of the Best category of the Expert Guides year after year
- Her recognition as one of the "100 Women in Antitrust Worldwide" by Global Competition Review (GCR)
- 2018 y 2019 Chambers named her "Star Individual" in her specialty in Spain
- She is the first woman to obtain the “Outstanding Contribution to the Legal Profession” award by Chambers
- Since January 2021 she is member of the OECD Competition Committee Bureau
Additionally, she is the author of numerous publications in the area of Competition and EU Law, and a regular speaker on these matters