
We work to guarantee, preserve, and promote proper functioning of the postal sector for the benefit of consumers and end users.


Price review

We verify that the prices and other commercial conditions applied to postal services comply with the principles established by the relevant legislation.

Access to the postal network and other postal infrastructure

We work to ensure the postal operators have access to the public postal network and to other infrastructure, according to the principles of transparency, proportionality, and non-discrimination.

Analytical accounting

We verify the analytical accounting practices of the operator appointed to provide universal postal service.


Funding of the Universal Postal Service (SPU in Spanish)

We verify the net cost of Universal Postal Service and look for any unfair financial charges derived from provision of these services.

Special environments

When applicable, we authorise exceptions to provision of Universal Postal Service.

Indicators for the sector

We perform monitoring of the main indicators for the postal sector.


Quality for the SPU

We monitor and measure the conditions under which Universal Postal Service is provided.

International activities

We actively participate in a variety of international forums, such as the European Regulators Group on Postal Services (ERGP), the ESC (European Standardisation Committee), and DG Growth (European Commission), as well as on the Committee of the Postal Services Directive.

Reports and queries

We produce reports on draft versions of regulations, perform studies, and respond to queries regarding subjects that could affect development of the market.

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